Demetra A. Karras

Here, you will find information about Demetra A. Karras and her books. Demetra aspires to have material for everyone's taste and style. Hopefully, you will find something that strikes a chord, touches your heart or makes you smile.

Currently, Finding Myself in the Middle, A Journey Home, The American Girl's Guide to Sports, Ayasha, Sunrays & Moondrops, Peter Paxson's Pixel Dust and Something Bigger Than Me are all available on

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Demetra A. Karras was born and raised in Evanston, Illinois. She now lives in Chicago with her husband Daren and their two cool cats.

Demetra has been writing creatively since she could hold a crayon in her hand. She enjoys writing all sorts of stuff - poetry, children's books, short stories and finally completed her first novel. Demetra dreams of one day quitting her day job and focusing on what she loves best - writing for her and your pleasure.

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